PROBLEMS FOOD WASTAGE 60% of fresh perishable food items don’t reach the end user on time and because their short shelf life spam they go to Waste. POOR NUTRITION About 48% of the working class have a bad eating habit, they don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables, due to time constraints. IMPROPER DISPOSAL OF AGRICULTURAL WAST Because agricultural waste is not properly disposed of and managed, it could cause pollution for the farmers and even the environment.
SOLUTIONS PROCESSING By processing fresh crops into drinks and dried forms we increase the shelf life, reduce waste and increase income. DRINKS AND POWDERS Our line of drinks and dried powdered crops are healthy and high in nutrients that are readily available for consumers all year round. MANURE & ENERGY Convert agricultural waste into manure for planting and biogas for power. OUR CROPS Sweetcorn, cucumber, pepper, tomato, okra , chill pepper, banana, plantain, yam, cassava, green leaf, pineapple. We are an agro based company that believes in sustainability production of crops and animals, we currently sit on 10 acres of land that deals in production of crops, processing of crops and management of agricultural waste into value added products.OUR BEVERAGES